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World Journal of Research and Review

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Which Therapeutic Treatment in Gastric Lymphoma

( Volume 2 Issue 6,June 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Graziano Giorgio Maria Paolo , Giovanni Castelli , Antonino Graziano


Introduction localized gastric lymphoma can be a unique venue in the absence of peripheral lymph adenopathy and mediastinal disorders , and pathological elements in the blood or bone marrow. Represents 4 % of all gastric cancers , most frequently in Western countries in relation to the common intestinal disease that promotes stimulation of the lymphatic tissue The purpose of this study in relation to the observed clinical case is to expose current trends Materials and Methods woman of 70 with a dispetica painful symptoms for two years, heartburn nausea vomiting, melena 8 months ago with 12 kg weight loss , therapy with omeprazole without any alteration effectiveness EUS noted hyperechoic ultrasound interesting all the layers , that did not exceed the serosa . , there are also numerous formations lymph node increased volume of various sizes (2.5 cm max) Histological examination deposed for NH diffuse gastric lymphoma immunophenotype T, immunoreactivity of neoplastic cells for CD3 and CLA absence positivity for cytokeratin and CD79 , high proliferative index .Results In the therapeutic treatment of gastric lymphomas surgery plays an important role , since it allows a radical therapy in localized and a reduction of tumor burden in advanced malignancies facilitating subsequent therapies ( chemotherapy and radiotherapy ) % surgical resection offers a better survival distance when it is curative but palliative resections in the 5-year survival ranges from 25 % -35 % and is closely related to the stage of the disease.Discussion prognosis can therefore be determined in relation to the examination istiopatologico which provides feedback of parameters such as the size , depth of invasion tissue , nodal status cytopathological examination that has a diagnostic accuracy that oscillates between 35-80 % in depending on the method used Conclusion The therapeutic strategy with the purpose of healing gastric lymphoma is fundamentally tied II.della stage I tumor disease in the early stages surgery alone get an index of long-term survival ( > 10 years) 85 to 90% as reported by numerous AA in this stage of diseass, please download TEMPLATE HELP FILE from the website.

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