T R A C K       P A P E R

World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Working Environment for Women in India: A Case Study

( Volume 11 issue 5,November 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Sweta Tanwar, Prashant Vyas, Priyanka Rani


Working Women, Working Environment, Equality, Discrimination, Harassment, work place, Personality, Rights, Law and Act.


The status of Indian working women has undergone considerable changes. Though Indian working women are now more independent and aware of their legal rights, such as right to work, equal treatment, equal remuneration and right against sexual harassment, a majority of working women remain unaware of these rights as a result of this; they face various forms of discrimination, harassment and exploitation in their homes, at the way to work place and at work place  due to the majority of working women is unaware of their rights, the working environment for women in India is remain not good and unfavorable to women, legislature and policy framers of India made various laws and rules ensuring rights of working women but in reality, those all are limited to just in form of ‘Act’ not in ‘Action’. That is why the condition of working women is not good; they are less paid, over-worked, mistreated and harassed physically as well as mentally. These all factors affect the quality of their life and change their personality to a great extent. This paper examines, the existing working environment for women in India and the various problems are faced by them. It also tries to trace the changes in working women’s personality as the outcome of existing working environment. An attempt has been done in this paper to make working women aware about their legal rights provided under constitutional provision and by various relevant laws. This paper is simple based on secondary data, collected from various books, articles of newspaper and some reports.

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